Female Brokers are making their mark

Posted in Broker In Your Pocket on Feb 02, 2023

The world of finance has, for the most part, been a very male dominated institution. Although the tide is slowly turning, women are starting to make their mark in the industry.

Bernice Schilling, talks about finding your own voice and making a name for yourself, in what is ordinarily a competitive and hard-hitting environment.

Most female advisors who have attended financial networking events can relate to this scenario: You walk into a crowded seminar and can count the number of women there on one hand. When women advisors talk business with male executives, it can be daunting.

In this sort of situation, women may feel as though they need to adopt a stereotypically “male” attitude toward business; competitive, aggressive, and sometimes harsh. But, as a successful female financial advisor, I believe that remaining true to yourself, and finding your own voice, are the keys to rising above preconceived expectations.

Be your own advocate

Earning respect has been a struggle. To overcome this, I have had to learn to build my confidence and overcome my negative self-talk. Those negative comments that have built up in your head are stopping you from reaching your full potential.

To combat them, I recommend personal development through mentors and peers. You want to reach out to people who inspire you, and who will hit you with reality checks on your capabilities and successes, helping you to grow and learn.

Growing up, it always felt like society almost encouraged young women to unintentionally downplay their worth. You must own what you've accomplished. I’ve had to catch myself on occasion when I noticed that I’m giving away too much, without a financial commitment from a potential client. I recommend that other women value their knowledge as well.

Confidence is the key to success, even when you’re up against a boardroom full of men. I had confidence in my abilities, and I was never unprepared for the questions I knew would come.

Find your network

A robust support network is essential for success. Finding the right support isn’t always easy. Once you find your network, don’t be afraid to ask for what you really want from them. Ask often and be clear about what you need.

Don’t be afraid to go big

A major challenge for me was to not let my insecurities keep me from dreaming big. I encourage women to work through the moments of self-doubt (we all go through them) and not wait for perfection. Failure should not be viewed as a negative, or an excuse for relinquishing your goals.

See the silver lining

When you hear ‘no’ again and again, when your plans don’t turn out, or if you make a costly decision … see that as a teaching moment. The road to success is paved with losses, mishaps, and mistakes, but it can still take you where you want to go as long as you don’t lose sight of your ultimate destination.

Stay the course and take in all the feedback; filter out the noise and the naysayers; learn from your mistakes and try not to make them again. But whatever you do, do not give up.”