Re-Thinking Retirement: Your Path to a Rewarding Future

Posted in Feature Article on Oct 31, 2023

It’s never too late soon to start planning a rewarding retirement

Retirement is the culmination of a lifetime's work and is a destination worth your imagination. Investing in your retirement isn’t about saving for that rainy day, it's about setting your sights on achieving your retirement goals, whether that’s to travel the world or simply to enjoy the comfort and security of your home and family. At 1.618 Advisory Services, we understand that your retirement should be a meticulously planned adventure, and we're here to ensure your transition from the workforce to retirement is seamless and rewarding.

Setting goals early

It’s important to set those goals as early on as possible, to focus on them, keeping them in mind every step of your journey to a happy and financially secure old age. That’s not to say you can’t change your goals at any time. Maybe you tick some items off your bucket list a lot sooner than you expected, but even if what your future retirement looks like changes, the financial ability to plan new adventures and goals shouldn’t.
Crafting the ideal retirement plan is a decision that can be taken anytime. The time to plan for your future is now and with a minimal investment of only R500, you can begin a journey towards a retirement that not only meets your financial needs but also fulfills your dreams and aspirations.

Building a stable structure

Being short sighted and imagining that you are never going to grow old is a big mistake. Old age is not an eventuality, it’s an inevitability, but for some people, that realisation comes too late and they are left with little or no time to save for life after their last pay cheque has been deposited.

It’s essential to start not just planning, but to take concrete steps towards saving for retirement and building a stable structure that supports your desired lifestyle. At 1.618 Advisory Services, we offer a range of financial solutions designed to grow your retirement savings by up to 60%. Our experts will work closely with you to understand your unique goals, ensuring that your retirement plan aligns with your vision for Life2.

Seamless transition

Transitioning from a bustling career to retirement should be a smooth and effortless process. Our team at 1.618 Advisory Services specialises in helping you make this transition as seamless as possible. We provide expert guidance, personalised strategies, and comprehensive support to help you navigate this important life change with confidence.

Your retirement destination awaits

Retirement is not a destination to fear, rather it’s a time of your life to embrace with enthusiasm. It's a time to fulfill lifelong dreams, explore new passions, and enjoy the fruits of many years of hard work. With 1.618 Advisory Services by your side, you'll approach retirement with clarity and purpose to create the financial stability to enable you to make every moment of your retirement count.

Get a retirement plan now.