Tracking those Vitals

Posted in Wellness on Feb 06, 2023

We live in an age of data. Everything we do, from the type of online content we consume to the number of calories we eat can be tracked, collated, and used to help make life a little easier.

So why should it be any different in the world of Life Insurance policies. Many insurance providers are turning to technology to help drive us towards making better health decisions, and in turn, offering enticing rewards for our efforts.

By simply managing your health and wellness, many insurance providers are providing substantial percentages (and we mean up to 100%) of your life insurance premiums back in cash, whilst some are offering the opportunity to convert your healthy choices into cash during your retirement years.

So how do you manage your health and wellness to benefit from insurance policies?

  • Engage in wellness days
  • Join wellness programmes that are linked to your Financial Service Provider (FSP)
  • Get active by joining a fitness centre that is linked as a partner with your FSP
  • Sync your smartwatch, fitness tracker or fitness app with your FSP’s wellness programme
  • Support wellness practitioners who have partnered with your FSP.

As an example, Discovery rewards its clients PayBacks when they engage with its Vitality programme and manage their health claims.